
inspiration e-zine: issue three.

It's that time again! Oooh, I LOVE the end of the month!

Design for Mankind has yet another eZine treat for you; I can't believe 'Inspiration' is in its third issue already! It seems like yesterday, yes?

Anyway, click here to download [for FREE!] your very own [30+ pages!] copy of Inspiration.
OR, email me right here (subject line "ZINE") if you'd like a glossy copy mailed to you for $5.

Also, feel free to check out Inspiration's back issues here and here.
AND, if you'd like to be included in the monthly mailing list announcing the release of the e-zine, email me at designformankind@gmail.com (subject line "MAILING LIST.").

Love to you, and be inspired.
[p.s. Taking a break tomorrow, but do visit Wednesday for regular (and fabulous!) posting.]


Unknown said...

So lovely and personal! A wonderful collection of essays and images. You've done it again! Thanks for including me, I'm so excited to be a part!

/// said...

WOW--- you're fast, Megan! I was just about to send you an email to thank you for contributing, but you so beat me to it... :)

Archana Srinivas Pottery said...

Thanks for including me in the Inspiration E-zine:-)

That is quite a collection you have put together and you have done a great job!!!

All the very best and many more to come:-))


kT said...

*hugs* i feel so honored to be a part!!! so excited to get away from work and read the whole thing.

Jen Renninger said...

This is just LOVELY Erin!!! I can't wait for the next one already!

/// said...

Gracious, I can't believe you all are awake right now. I'm JUST heading to bed...

Unknown said...

That's East Coast for ya...

Anonymous said...

wow! it turned out great (of course) :) thanks for asking me to participate.

/// said...

Oh, you crazy east coasters!!!!

Anonymous said...

Another great source of inspiration!
It's lovely!

Marichelle said...

Woohooo! Thanks!!

jen gotch said...

Erin . . .Amazing! You have obviously put so much work into this. So inspiring. Thanks for inviting me to take part in it.

Cindy said...

yep, inspiration can be represented in many forms whether it's scraps of paper tacked to a board or special treasures arranged on a dresser. i love your take on it in the current issue. and, it's a great introduction to many bloggers who have passed under my radar. thanks erin!

Anonymous said...

Wow- this issue is wonderful. I think this every time, but each time it is so true. Inspiring- it has got me thinking big time and I have only read through it once. I know- like the other issues- that I will reference it many, many more times. Thank you for this- tis wonderful.

dailydesignspot said...

wonderful! a real pleasure to read each little story! the colours! the people! thanks erin.. wonderful way to start my day

Anonymous said...

this is absolutely fantastic! such wonderful work and submissions, i could look at it for hours! <3

a~iek said...

Thanks much...I look forward!

Jude said...

Just downloading mine now. Looks beautiful (as always!).

Francesca said...

it's wonderful erin, you put it all together so perfectly. i especially liked yolanda's spiral dots.

Esther said...

Gorgeous, amazing and beautiful again! I love every single page! Please keep inspiring us, Erin!

Modern Craft said...

This is great-- a wonderful idea and executed brilliantly. Where is your magazine deal with Conde Nast? Outstanding!

rebecca said...

Hurray!! More inspiration goodness :) (I will enjoy the bus ride home tonight!) x

Joanna Goddard said...

yay!!! i love these so much. good for you xoxo

AllyZabba said...

Absolutely beautiful.

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful! Thank you very much for the treat, Erin! :)

Anonymous said...

Just lovely. Thanks for another wonderful and inspiring read!


heidi said...

Breathtaking!!! Beautiful!!
I'm kvelling.

kelly said...

just gorgeous!!! so wonderful!

jennifer said...

How lovely. The photograph of the steam rising from the mug of chai is so beautiful it's still haunting me a bit.

/// said...

Awww, I'm so glad you're enjoying it! Thank you, ladies! :)

Stacy said...

This is awesome. Thank you! Thank you!

hannah said...


Mrs.French said...

ooooo, this is wonderful. I am printing mine as I comment. I need to go back and print out your back issues as soon as I restock my printing paper supply. you are a design goddess! thank you!

Maya Sara Matthew said...

I printed out the first issue last night and Just went through two and 3, superb.What can I say they are so inspiring.Great zines.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful as always! Congratulations again on another great issue!

/// said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Camilla said...

This looks wonderful- I did wonder if you ever got my email answers to the questions you asked via flickr (where I am crunchcandy) . I was just about to email you again and then I saw this post...oh dear- looks like I got lost in the internet somewhere!

/// said...

Oh no, Camilla--- let's put it in the next one, yes? :)

Sandy said...

Thank you so much for including me in your Inspiration E-Zine, Erin! It was an honor to be included with so many inspiring and artistic women!

I am loving all the great pictures and everyone's comments about how they find inspiration in their lives.

Thanks again,
Sandy Mansfield
Retired Banker

Very Inspiring!

Anonymous said...

It's once again a great e-zine Erin, and I feel really proud and happy for being included!
And a great theme, aren't we all blogging and reading blogs to be inspired by other people?

You can call me Betty, or Bethany, or Beth ...Just don't call me late for dinner. said...

Thanks so much For including me Erin! What an honor! What beautiful corners! Yeah!

painted fish studio said...

lovely -- the perfect reading material after leaving the office!

Anonymous said...

Erin ~ this is GORGEOUS!! You are just bursting at the seems with creativity and inspiration. I'm so happy to be getting to know you better in blogland. I can't wait to see what you're up to next. It's so exciting that you have "broken free" and are finding the perfect venue for your bright and shiny, creative, inspiring voice :)

terry said...

Erin - this is SO BEAUTIFUL!!! Thanks you so much for this - what a gift to all of your readers! I'll be reading this many times over I'm sure :)

/// said...

Ah, thank you so much. I do hope you read it over and over--- I know I have! :)

Julz Nally said...

Just as beautiful and inspiring as the others! I have to say i was so excited to visit your blog today and see the 3rd issue already ;) Thank you so much for all of your effort!

JLC Studio said...

Beautiful job Erin!!! LOVE the idea of getting a glimpse into artist's homes and finding out where they get their inspiration! Great job again!!!

JTay said...

I love the e-zines! I always do walk away inspired!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you've done it again. I'm going to spend some good quality time reading it over the weekend. Can't wait!

loving. living. small. said...

Wonderful e-zine! And thanks for posting where to find the first issues. :)

Anonymous said...

Brilliant. The best e-zine yet!

Anonymous said...

some really beautiful photography in this one... I like the fact that you've stretched beyond inspiration "boards" as I think so many people do find their inspiration in unusual places!


Anonymous said...

Erin, your effort and time is much appreciated. I can't wait for the next issue. Thanks so much for the dose of creative inspiration you always give:)

/// said...


Thanks for your comment! I'm so glad you agree; inspiration is EVERYWHERE! :)

karey m. said...


from jen's stark white sheen to bridget's shock of yellow...that steam rising from archana's chai...katy's teetering treasures...


Nanette said...

Hey there, Erin. Thanks so much for doing me the honour of allowing me to participate in this great e-zine. I must confess that I am a bit abashed by the 'artist' title you so generously gave me.
You did a brilliant job!
x Nan

/// said...

Nan--- with a space like that, you can't NOT be an artist. ;)

etre-soi said...

so so beautiful (as always) and love the idea of inspiration in the home. There are really no bonderies, right ?

Suzanne : : S.HOPtalk said...


It's been a busy week, so I'm a little late with this...but just wanted to stop by and tell you what an amazing job you did on the ezine. I love it...so many inspiring images and thoughts. It's my new monthly addiction! :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Erin! Another amazing magazine, you are doing a great job here! I'm truly enjoyed reading it, irene xx

/// said...

Thanks for visiting, dear Irene, and ShopTalk--- you are TOO sweet! :)

Sofia--- you are so right. NO boundaries!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I've said it before, but had to say it again; Thanks for including me with all these talented and inspirational people :-) I was (ofcourse) already a fan of your e-zine, and I loved this issue! Thank you for all the work you've put into this, and keep on inspiering us!

/// said...

Ah, thank you dear!! :)

Julia said...

Thank you so much for all the time and energy you took to create this fabulous piece! I get so excited when I look through these ezines of yours, heaps upon heaps of inspiration! I hope you enjoyed your muchly deserved day off!

Anonymous said...

I am a little late on the ball, but this was a stunning gallery of inspiration indeed! I loved each artist you picked, and the lovely quotes were perfect. I truly look forward to your ezines each month. Thanks so much for all your positive energy and love to those who have a creative calling. Cheers, Grace (long time reader, first time poster).

Janet said...

I'm a little late but excited to download it! :) congrats!

alice said...

That was fanstastic, thank you!

Anonymous said...

Oooh. This is a brilliant idea! I know I am late but found it thanks to archana over at rang and I love your site!! Still digging through your archives.


julie said...

oh im a little late - but a FAB zine! They are getting better each time - full of beautiful images and inspirations - well done and thanks.

las palabras mágicas said...

I print your E-zines and read them with utter delight on my way to work. This glimpse into designers' "worldviews" is priceless. Thanks so much.

/// said...

It's my pleasure--- truly! :)


because beauty lies in the details of design. in the pencil shavings, in the blueberry waffles. the vintage dress, framed portrait, old postcard.

design is inevitable. celebrated. design for mankind.


inspiration e-zine: issue three.

It's that time again! Oooh, I LOVE the end of the month!

Design for Mankind has yet another eZine treat for you; I can't believe 'Inspiration' is in its third issue already! It seems like yesterday, yes?

Anyway, click here to download [for FREE!] your very own [30+ pages!] copy of Inspiration.
OR, email me right here (subject line "ZINE") if you'd like a glossy copy mailed to you for $5.

Also, feel free to check out Inspiration's back issues here and here.
AND, if you'd like to be included in the monthly mailing list announcing the release of the e-zine, email me at designformankind@gmail.com (subject line "MAILING LIST.").

Love to you, and be inspired.
[p.s. Taking a break tomorrow, but do visit Wednesday for regular (and fabulous!) posting.]


Unknown said...

So lovely and personal! A wonderful collection of essays and images. You've done it again! Thanks for including me, I'm so excited to be a part!

/// said...

WOW--- you're fast, Megan! I was just about to send you an email to thank you for contributing, but you so beat me to it... :)

Archana Srinivas Pottery said...

Thanks for including me in the Inspiration E-zine:-)

That is quite a collection you have put together and you have done a great job!!!

All the very best and many more to come:-))


kT said...

*hugs* i feel so honored to be a part!!! so excited to get away from work and read the whole thing.

Jen Renninger said...

This is just LOVELY Erin!!! I can't wait for the next one already!

/// said...

Gracious, I can't believe you all are awake right now. I'm JUST heading to bed...

Unknown said...

That's East Coast for ya...

Anonymous said...

wow! it turned out great (of course) :) thanks for asking me to participate.

/// said...

Oh, you crazy east coasters!!!!

Anonymous said...

Another great source of inspiration!
It's lovely!

Marichelle said...

Woohooo! Thanks!!

jen gotch said...

Erin . . .Amazing! You have obviously put so much work into this. So inspiring. Thanks for inviting me to take part in it.

Cindy said...

yep, inspiration can be represented in many forms whether it's scraps of paper tacked to a board or special treasures arranged on a dresser. i love your take on it in the current issue. and, it's a great introduction to many bloggers who have passed under my radar. thanks erin!

Anonymous said...

Wow- this issue is wonderful. I think this every time, but each time it is so true. Inspiring- it has got me thinking big time and I have only read through it once. I know- like the other issues- that I will reference it many, many more times. Thank you for this- tis wonderful.

dailydesignspot said...

wonderful! a real pleasure to read each little story! the colours! the people! thanks erin.. wonderful way to start my day

Anonymous said...

this is absolutely fantastic! such wonderful work and submissions, i could look at it for hours! <3

a~iek said...

Thanks much...I look forward!

Jude said...

Just downloading mine now. Looks beautiful (as always!).

Francesca said...

it's wonderful erin, you put it all together so perfectly. i especially liked yolanda's spiral dots.

Esther said...

Gorgeous, amazing and beautiful again! I love every single page! Please keep inspiring us, Erin!

Modern Craft said...

This is great-- a wonderful idea and executed brilliantly. Where is your magazine deal with Conde Nast? Outstanding!

rebecca said...

Hurray!! More inspiration goodness :) (I will enjoy the bus ride home tonight!) x

Joanna Goddard said...

yay!!! i love these so much. good for you xoxo

AllyZabba said...

Absolutely beautiful.

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful! Thank you very much for the treat, Erin! :)

Anonymous said...

Just lovely. Thanks for another wonderful and inspiring read!


heidi said...

Breathtaking!!! Beautiful!!
I'm kvelling.

kelly said...

just gorgeous!!! so wonderful!

jennifer said...

How lovely. The photograph of the steam rising from the mug of chai is so beautiful it's still haunting me a bit.

/// said...

Awww, I'm so glad you're enjoying it! Thank you, ladies! :)

Stacy said...

This is awesome. Thank you! Thank you!

hannah said...


Mrs.French said...

ooooo, this is wonderful. I am printing mine as I comment. I need to go back and print out your back issues as soon as I restock my printing paper supply. you are a design goddess! thank you!

Maya Sara Matthew said...

I printed out the first issue last night and Just went through two and 3, superb.What can I say they are so inspiring.Great zines.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful as always! Congratulations again on another great issue!

/// said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Camilla said...

This looks wonderful- I did wonder if you ever got my email answers to the questions you asked via flickr (where I am crunchcandy) . I was just about to email you again and then I saw this post...oh dear- looks like I got lost in the internet somewhere!

/// said...

Oh no, Camilla--- let's put it in the next one, yes? :)

Sandy said...

Thank you so much for including me in your Inspiration E-Zine, Erin! It was an honor to be included with so many inspiring and artistic women!

I am loving all the great pictures and everyone's comments about how they find inspiration in their lives.

Thanks again,
Sandy Mansfield
Retired Banker

Very Inspiring!

Anonymous said...

It's once again a great e-zine Erin, and I feel really proud and happy for being included!
And a great theme, aren't we all blogging and reading blogs to be inspired by other people?

You can call me Betty, or Bethany, or Beth ...Just don't call me late for dinner. said...

Thanks so much For including me Erin! What an honor! What beautiful corners! Yeah!

painted fish studio said...

lovely -- the perfect reading material after leaving the office!

Anonymous said...

Erin ~ this is GORGEOUS!! You are just bursting at the seems with creativity and inspiration. I'm so happy to be getting to know you better in blogland. I can't wait to see what you're up to next. It's so exciting that you have "broken free" and are finding the perfect venue for your bright and shiny, creative, inspiring voice :)

terry said...

Erin - this is SO BEAUTIFUL!!! Thanks you so much for this - what a gift to all of your readers! I'll be reading this many times over I'm sure :)

/// said...

Ah, thank you so much. I do hope you read it over and over--- I know I have! :)

Julz Nally said...

Just as beautiful and inspiring as the others! I have to say i was so excited to visit your blog today and see the 3rd issue already ;) Thank you so much for all of your effort!

JLC Studio said...

Beautiful job Erin!!! LOVE the idea of getting a glimpse into artist's homes and finding out where they get their inspiration! Great job again!!!

JTay said...

I love the e-zines! I always do walk away inspired!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you've done it again. I'm going to spend some good quality time reading it over the weekend. Can't wait!

loving. living. small. said...

Wonderful e-zine! And thanks for posting where to find the first issues. :)

Anonymous said...

Brilliant. The best e-zine yet!

Anonymous said...

some really beautiful photography in this one... I like the fact that you've stretched beyond inspiration "boards" as I think so many people do find their inspiration in unusual places!


Anonymous said...

Erin, your effort and time is much appreciated. I can't wait for the next issue. Thanks so much for the dose of creative inspiration you always give:)

/// said...


Thanks for your comment! I'm so glad you agree; inspiration is EVERYWHERE! :)

karey m. said...


from jen's stark white sheen to bridget's shock of yellow...that steam rising from archana's chai...katy's teetering treasures...


Nanette said...

Hey there, Erin. Thanks so much for doing me the honour of allowing me to participate in this great e-zine. I must confess that I am a bit abashed by the 'artist' title you so generously gave me.
You did a brilliant job!
x Nan

/// said...

Nan--- with a space like that, you can't NOT be an artist. ;)

etre-soi said...

so so beautiful (as always) and love the idea of inspiration in the home. There are really no bonderies, right ?

Suzanne : : S.HOPtalk said...


It's been a busy week, so I'm a little late with this...but just wanted to stop by and tell you what an amazing job you did on the ezine. I love it...so many inspiring images and thoughts. It's my new monthly addiction! :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Erin! Another amazing magazine, you are doing a great job here! I'm truly enjoyed reading it, irene xx

/// said...

Thanks for visiting, dear Irene, and ShopTalk--- you are TOO sweet! :)

Sofia--- you are so right. NO boundaries!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I've said it before, but had to say it again; Thanks for including me with all these talented and inspirational people :-) I was (ofcourse) already a fan of your e-zine, and I loved this issue! Thank you for all the work you've put into this, and keep on inspiering us!

/// said...

Ah, thank you dear!! :)

Julia said...

Thank you so much for all the time and energy you took to create this fabulous piece! I get so excited when I look through these ezines of yours, heaps upon heaps of inspiration! I hope you enjoyed your muchly deserved day off!

Anonymous said...

I am a little late on the ball, but this was a stunning gallery of inspiration indeed! I loved each artist you picked, and the lovely quotes were perfect. I truly look forward to your ezines each month. Thanks so much for all your positive energy and love to those who have a creative calling. Cheers, Grace (long time reader, first time poster).

Janet said...

I'm a little late but excited to download it! :) congrats!

alice said...

That was fanstastic, thank you!

Anonymous said...

Oooh. This is a brilliant idea! I know I am late but found it thanks to archana over at rang and I love your site!! Still digging through your archives.


julie said...

oh im a little late - but a FAB zine! They are getting better each time - full of beautiful images and inspirations - well done and thanks.

las palabras mágicas said...

I print your E-zines and read them with utter delight on my way to work. This glimpse into designers' "worldviews" is priceless. Thanks so much.

/// said...

It's my pleasure--- truly! :)