Let's see... One. For Ken, my one and only (cue the awwww's now!).

Eight. For the eight Reese eggs I consumed today. Don't tell aforementioned 'the one'; he'll be quite disappointed in my limited self control abilities.

Six. For the six freckles on my right arm. They're so so cute!

Three. For my three favorite pairs of boots that I could wear in rotation the ENTIRE winter long (IF I wanted to!).
Thanks, Otsutree! For LOTS more numbers and some other cool works--- visit Otsutree right here.
Cute!! Now I have a craving for Reese's eggs!! And I'm totally with you on the three pairs of boots... I live in them most of the time! I'll check out her site!
SERIOUSLY-- gracious, those things are yummy!!! :)
Thanks! I am adding your blog to my bookmark of Design blogs. I am still tweaking the layout and want to make a better header but I'm not sure how to go about it. I like yours. How did you create that? Also, Your Etsy stuff is very charming.
Kelley: Rebecca Horwood illustrated it for me; she's UBER talented and you can find her at http://www.thischicken.blogspot.com. Give her a big hello from me; she's a doll! :)
And thanks for your kind words! :)
I love these! They are so pretty and have lots of texture...which I adore!
i love these!
Me, too, ladies! Fabulous, yes?
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