I met Elsa Mora (Elsita) through her lovely photos at Flickr and was instantly obsessed. Elsa has the most fabulous eye for all things beautiful, and I just love visiting her recent photos on a daily basis.

Best part? She's an INSANE artist. INSANE. And in my head, INSANE is sort of like calling someone 'bad' that's actually good, or 'phat', as in not 'fat', but good. You know, just to clarify.

I looooooove each and every one of her prints in her shop, and I seriously have been trying to figure out for the past hour which is my fave, and I just can't. I love them ALL.
[edit: ok, I've decided! This one is just to DIE FOR!]

Elsa has a fantastic blog right here if you've got a free afternoon to peruse the loveliness. She'll be at the Oscars this weekend, so give her a quick hello and good luck to her husband Bill!

Visit her shop here, and just look at how adorable and creative her banner is. It's the BEST!
Did you happen to catch the dress that she made? Good heavens I am obsessed! It is beautiful and the story behind it very moving.
I did--- isn't she FABULOUS?! :)
I am in awe of artists like this!! I will check out her website! thanks.
p.s. I love her... she's so diverse and her attitude about everything is so fun! I needed to see someone like this who seems to create so freely!
You're right, Bethany--- she's truly a talented woman!!!
Splendid artist!
SERIOUSLY! She's amazing!
thanks for a wonderful link! i just adore those red shoes and fabulous spotty stockings! Just wanted to tell you how much I am enjoying your blog and loved the last ezine! Can't wait for the next one!Shae xo
Thanks so much, Shae--- you won't have to wait long, b/c the second ezine will be released TOMORROW NIGHT AT MIDNIGHT!!! :)
woo hoo!!!
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