I'm in one of those moods that comes MAYBE once a milennium for me. I'm a very organized person when it comes to the daily, mundane bill sort of things, but cleaning and general organization? Gross.

So, because I have a few hours to kill before meeting with someone who is directly involved with The Big Surprise, I thought I'd download a few Real Simple checklists and work on a home inventory. I've always wanted to be THAT wife, with a list for absolutely everything. Weird, yes, and totally counterproductive, but hey--- it's a dream.

I went a bit crazy with my lists, and now have approximately 21 pages to fill out, including an inventory of all sporting equipment. If you know anything about me, this is ridiculous, because I just may have a tennis racket in my garage from 1983.

Whew. I'm in for QUITE an afternoon. Wish me luck, and go have yourself a merry organization day with help from Real Simple, right here.

[all images are former covers from Real Simple magazine].
Good luck with the cleaning, Erin!
Also you've been tagged!
Here are the rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 5 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
I love Real Simple covers. Nice job with the selections!
Hope cleaning goes well :)
You are killing me with all the hints about the big surprise!
Good luck with the cleaning! I used to have that dream, of being the wife with all the lists. I had lists of everything and keep little card file boxes of inventory for things like Christmas decorations. NO MORE! No more I say.
On a funny note, my 7 year old son just walked up to me in all seriousness and said, "Mom, could we clean up this room, there are piles of things over here and things over there...it doesn't look so good." Eek.
oh I love that book case!
Samantha: ME TOO! I created a similar look with a few Billy's from IKEA and I LOVE the result!
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