Good morning, Design for Mankind!!! I'm thrilled to present yet another dose of Inspiration-- now in its FOURTH issue! In case you've missed Issues 1-3, find them right here, available for a free PDF download.
If you're new to the site, Inspiration is a FREE montly e-zine dedicated to inspiration in its various forms. This month's issue is entitled "Inspiration in the Unexpected," and pays homage to the idea that inspiration is everywhere--- you need only open your eyes.
Again, special thanks to all contributors--- you guys totally blew me away. And a BIG thank you to Dasha, who created this issue's cover image!
Lastly, thank YOU, readers. For inspiring me daily.
Click here to download Inspiration: Issue Four in a PDF format.
OR, peruse the e-zine online [NEW!] right here at Issuu [thanks for the tip, Mary!].
Love to you all.
[Taking the day off, but I'll be back with many more inspiring links tomorrow!]
Hooray! I can't wait to set my eyes over this! :)
fantastic. love the photograph with the confetti!
Yay! Yay!!! :)
Fabulousness personified (as usual)!
wow Erin, these are some of the most beautiful photographs I've seen in a long time. The one by the 14 year old is so painterly. And the confetti in that sepia field is inspiring. Beautifully curated, laid out and written. Erin you are a gem.
Oh I'm so excited. I love your e-zine's. I'm bummed that I have to rush out the door to faux a garage door and shutters right now, b/c all I want to do is look throw this while drinking my coffee. I guess now I have something to look forward to when I get home:)
Holy crap--- you guys are FAST! :)
Looks terrific!
fresh photography for hip homes
Thanks, Samantha. And I know--- that 14 y/o?! Can you believe it?!
Move over, world. :)
Yay - excited to read - thanks!!
BEAUTIFUL as always!you have one of the prettiest ezines ever! and yay! you're using issuu! i love that you can flip like a book!
yeay! Thanks. Have a lovely day off :)
Thanks Erin! I'm delighted to be featured in your ezine along with such great artists/photographers. I couldn't believe it. You are the one!!
aah gorgeous photography and thoughtful words! Thanks for creating these wonderful ezines. I could keep coming back to this one.
Those pictures truly represent what inspiration means! I so very love the confetti-photo... And it's true, inspiration can be found everywhere... but it surely helps that these photographers have such a great eye for capturing that inspiration in everyday life on a photo!
Those pictures truly represent what inspiration means! I so very love the confetti-photo... And it's true, inspiration can be found everywhere... but it surely helps that these photographers have such a great eye for capturing that inspiration in everyday life on a photo!
erin, AMAZINGNESS!!!! you are such a rockstar. great work, yet again!
Stunning! I cannot belive all the gorgeous photos you've found! And I love reading about the moment it was taken! So inspirational!
Hello! I found your blog via comments left on A Print a Day's blog. You have one very awesome blog, I should say! I love the ideas!
i can't tell you how i love your e-zines :)
Yes! Yes! Yes! Thanks for sharing.
I'm STOKED! Überstoked. What a ton of work. And all for us? Merci!
Thank YOU!
i'm not going to get much done today after looking at all the portfolios for the artists! so wonderful.
i love the confetti photo and would love to do that right now. sunny day in march by chaira balza reminds me of my mom hanging out the wash in our backyard, so i love that one, too.
the e-zine looks awesome in issuu, but i'll still download and save each one.
Aww, I'm so glad you'll be saving them, Cindy! :) You're too sweet.
yeah- can you see me clapping and jumping up and down. i am looking forward to this. how do you always seem to time these right when i need i burst of inspiration. thank you.
I love the end of the month...not for the promise of new horizons, nor for the joy of ticking one month closer to summer....but for your e-zine!
I *love* this issue especially! The photographers you featured were stunning - especially the dashing vintage photo taking by the 14 year old! WOW! I really liked the laundry line, as well as the Cinderella in London...okay, I loved them all!
Thanks so much for putting your heart into this and inspiring us!!
Dearest Erin,
best. ever.
I'm of the same mind frame that inspiration is absolutely everywhere :) Thank you for bringing this e-zine to our attention!
The e-zine looks great! Love the idea of capturing the little things that inspire. I think my favorite photo is the recreation of a nightmare. I thought it was a little creepy/funny too. This might be a new form of therapy :)
Loved it!
Oh Erin: It's sooooo good. I just love it all! I can't wait to indulge in every little nook and cranny tonight.
Great job. ~suzanne
This is my favorite e-zine yet! It was such eye candy and I could wait for the next page. My favorites are pages 8, 14, and 15. The nightmare one is SO fantastic.
Oh I am so glad it is this time of month again...
Can't wait to check it out! Your e-zines are so fabulous!
Thannks so much for including me in this issue!! it's really exciting :)
<3 kate
Oh Erin! It just keeps getting better and better -- you start me up, so never stop! =)
- Jessie -
I can't wait to read this - have just downloaded it so I can have little peeks in between work. Yay!
Yay! Your monthly e-zine completely negates the effects of "other" monthly... :) THANK YOU!
(muah muah muah) - Marichelle
Such a lovely treat to read tonight. I like them all but I really loved the confetti and the window pictures.
Hope you enjoyed your day off!
Utterly fantastic as always. Thanks again and happy spring!
I think this one is my favourite Erin.
beautiful ! as always :)
wonderful photos, pure inspiration!
thank you Erin.
Thank you Erin!!!!! You made my day! I cant wait to go home and devour this.
gorgeous beauty in abundance! thank you again for all your hard work on this!
deelightful,so inspiring.really and truly. hats off.
Loved it! That Issuu site is great.
I loved this! I must have somehow missed the previous ones so I am off to read those now. Very inspirational!
Loved it, Erin!
this just made my morning SO much more tolerable. love the inspirations! THANK YOU!
It's totally my favorite, too, Kirsty! And THANK YOU ALL! :)
you're a gem! the magazine looks fabulous, and I'm honored to be a part of it. my love to you!
wonderful. thanks for putting it all together!
It just keeps getting better!
looking forward to another one already ;)
awesome (of course)!!!
Fabulous as always Erin!!! Great job!
hey erin.. just got around to reading this issue.. it really is great.. thanks for the smiles.. i had a 'biking accident' a couple of days ago and still managed to get to work and do my thangg .. i am on the mend now.. why did i just tell you that? hhaa.. sorry.. head injuries make you do 'funny' things.. great work erin
ps- there is nothing better than finding $$ in clothes you have not worn in a long time.. i just recently found 2 $20 bills.. but they were from home (canada).. not much good to me here right now
Goody! I was passing by and surprise, it's back. Thanks for this fresh dose of inspiration
(and thanks for your visit!)
They are just gorgeous. Looks great on issuu. So admire this project.
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