photo credit: Chris Moncus.
A few days ago, Design for Mankind experienced quite the influx of comments in response to the lovely Marisa of Creative Thursday's Daily post [click here to read the post and corresponding commentary]. And it was on this particular day that I realized how blessed we bloggers, artists and designers are to be among such supportive company.
If you work a 'day job,' you know how hard it is to be inspired in the daily mundane. And if you are a freelancer or self-employed, you know how hard it is to be motivated by the self. Truth is, the grass is not only greener on the other side, but lush, lovely and BLOOMING.
I'm a firm believer in following your dreams (in fact, I'm doing it now), and if I can inspire just one person to pursue their goals, I'll have reached the pinnacle of my blogging career (if you can call this a career, that is!). So, with the help of Marisa and Holly from Decor8, we gals are going to do our best to aid in whatever transition you readers are needing.
Whether your wish is to ditch your 9 to 5 in pursuit of opening a local gallery, or if you're a struggling artist that longs to belong back in the corporate world, we're here to help. Dear Marisa is [as I type this!] putting together one of her famous podcasts regarding the financial responsibility of breaking free from your steady paychecks and beginning your dream business. Lovely Holly will be compiling a post dedicated to the importance of following your inner voice and trusting your instincts when it comes to finding your place in this big, busy design world. And I will be, along with the help of my favorite Daily Dears(!) giving tangible advice re: the importance of community and an established support system during this pivotal transition in your lives.
I do hope you find the three of us to be helpful in your quest for an inspiring career, and please don't hesitate to ask any of us questions along the way. I believe I speak for all of us when I say that's why we're here.
So with that said, welcome to Roadmaps: A Guide to Creative Pursuit. Stay tuned for the first installment from Design for Mankind, and be sure to bookmark Decor8 and Creative Thursday for their take on life, liberty and the pursuit of creativity!
I saw this on decor8 yesterday and am completely jazzed you three are combining efforts. Bring it on! I am one of those 9 to 5ers whose instincts have told her time and time again I need to be pursuing my creative dreams . . . but sometimes it's just so hard to step out of the comfort zone!
Thank you Thank you Thank you! I have been inspired by all you ladies lately to just begin thinking about maybe someday perhaps not working a 9-5er and working for myself somehow, some way. This will hopefully further and faster push me in that direction! You all are fantastic!
I'm so excited as well, ladies--- here's to each of us following our dreams!
More to come... :)
awesome! that is a match made in heaven. please don't forget those of us who doing both - ahhh.
i love the name "Roadmaps: A Guide to Creative Pursuit". i was really happy to be a part of the discussion yesterday and look forward to more in the future as i don't personally know anyone who's trying to make this kind of transition.
sometimes a little bit of dialog is just what you need to get that mojo rising.
thanks ladies!
What a wonderful idea! Can't wait to read more! Lana
Oh Erin... you are awe-inspiring!
I left my 9-5 almost 5 years ago, to start my design biz from home, and as much as it's a dream-come-true for me, there is nothing like having the support & inspiration of you & all the folks out there.
(especially on those days when you can't seem to get out of your pj's)
Keep up the great work, we love you!
Awww, Heidi--- it's so great to hear the other side of the fence... I think you'll turn to be a GREAT resource when we get into the importance of community.
oh, you are UNSTOPPABLE!!! this is perfect timing for me, as i'm sure it is with many other creative folks who read your blog. you are so awesome, and i can't wait to read and listen to it all!
Sounds GREAT - can't wait to read! It is truly wonderful and inspiring how bloggers and artists can unite and help each other.
Yay--- I'm getting so so excited, ladies! :)
Yay!!! I'm totally loving this idea...you gals are the best! Can't wait!
I absolutely CANNOT wait! This is one of my "things" that I just love going on and on about. Every day, I feel like it's a huge challenge, and I haven't quite left the safety net of my "real job" (even though I'm doing that from my home office).
But I never have to motivate myself ever. I don't see why people say that's such a hard thing to do when you work for yourself. It absolutely ISN'T! When you are following your dreams, you practically never want to stop working. Because it's not working, is it? It's fun. It's life. It's just what you were born to do.
Oh, I'm so happy about Roadmaps! I cannot wait to dig in.
Thank you dear Sarah--- I think you're right. When you're loving what you do, it's so HARD to stop!
Must be why I'm blogging at 12:30am... ;)
Amazing idea and thank you! As a new "blogger" myself, I will definitely be checking in with you ladies for support, guidance and reference. It is such an awesome community - that is for sure!
All I can say is THANK YOU. You are already supporting and inspiring me, and everybody knows this is soo important to me, as well as so many other artist out there. :)
Thank you so much for that, Erin. How inspiring.
What an amazing thing! I can't wait to see where you all take this!!!!!
Really looking forward to this Erin ... all the stuff written in the comments on the last few blog entries have been inspirational.
Having left 9-5 (well more like 8-7) 3 years ago and then spending a year and a half wondering what to do with my life, I can assure you that I'm now quite sure that I made the right decision. I still feel though like I'm in the 'in-between' zone; having left the life of a scientist, I decided it would be better to actually re-train, rather than jump straight into the freelancing bandwagon - so am doing an illustration degree right now. Still, am actually quite excited by the prospect of working for myself, whatever the financial implications.
As ever, couldn't have done it without the love and support of the people around me, and also the support of the wonderful people out there in the blogosphere ...
Thank you ladies (and gents?) for your stories, anecdotes, advice, and thank you Erin for brining it all together - and the little nudges I've been getting from you last couple of months ;)
wonderful, waiting to hear more, all that you've said in your post is so true. Waiting for doses of motivation and inspiration.
Oh Erin, you're the best! This couldn't come at a better time for me, and I so appreciate your commitment to inspiring our creativity and helping us make our dreams a reality!! You have made design for mankind a must-stop on my daily blog rounds. Thanks for brightening my every day!
Oh yeay! What a wonderful idea. I'm so happy to see all the togetherness :)
I am in a similar dilemma..so I look forward to hearing from you guys. My husband changed careers to become a commercial photographer. He just started out in his new career after 17 years of being in a very financially rewarding, technical career. Now, I am going to school, but I am discoraged each day when I see the low paying job postings on the web. I am, still not completely dedicated because the idea of being poor just makes me sick. But in my heart, I know I want to be closer to art, even if that means making that my part time livelihood..
Hi, I'm an italian graphic designer (I apologize for my bad english) and I'm in the same dilemma too. Here it's very difficult to have a freelance career and I'm trying to understand what to do in my life... well, I LOVE graphic design and I know that's what I wanna do. I read your blog every day and I want to thank you for all the beautiful things you share... Do you think is possible to follow your dreams and have a9-5 job both? thanks!
That's so kind of you three and very helpful indeed!
You've already been helpful and inspiring in my quest - luckily, I need so much more help...so I will be back! Thank you.
This is wonderful! I'm really looking forward to seeing what you, Marisa and Holly come up with and talk about timing! Last week I accepted a "buyout" from my employer and this summer I will be pursuing my craft full-time. It's exciting and scary as heck! I'll have enough of a cushion to support myself for a little while but I hope the more time committed to my business will help things grow in the long run.
echolu I am right there with you!
fabulous, i can't wait!
Fabulous title! Excited to see what you come up with :)
What perfect timing....this is just what I needed to hear. You are all such a supportive community.
OH MY! I am overwhelmed by your responses--- you all have such amazing stories and come from such different backgrounds. I am so excited to see how this series can teach us to utilize our connections and inspire each other...
Series starts Monday, so be on the look-out, and keep the stories coming! :)
Love to you all.
Wow, how amazing! It can be so difficult to follow your dreams, especially in a creative field. I always think that having mentors around would help immensely. I can't wait to see what the three of you come up with.
Wow ! I am so excited about all of this ! its amazing, i am the one that as Holly said, started the ball rolling the other day on this subject a few days ago when i left the question " what to do when you don't know what to do " ! and i have to say I feel already so enriched by reading everyone's storys and feel so much better already to know that am not the only one with these doubts and dreams ! Also am over the moon that you, Holly and Marisa have teamed up, this community is really inspiring !
Thank you
There are soooo many lovely and inspiring blogs (yay for community), but three of my faves are teaming up you say?!
Very exciting...I very much look forward to reading!
I think that you, Holly, and Marisa are doing a wonderful thing inspiring us all. You have been inspiring me ever since I have read your blogs. :)
I also believe in following your dreams.
I love the last part of the last sentence: life, liberty, and the pursuit of creativity. They should have that instead of the pursuit of happiness!
I can't wait to read more about Roadmaps: A Guide to Creative Pursuit.
Awww, you are all so, so sweet.
I'm hooked already! Thank you so much for agreeing to do this with the others. I'll be glued to all 3 blogs :)
Oh and just to make sure I remember where design for mankind is I've put a link to it on my blog. Hope that's ok with you.
i feel that you're talking directly to me. can't wait!!
Wonderful initiative! So well said, such spirit.
Look forward to following your work.
Thankyou so much for hitting on this topic - I suspect the world will be short of a few 9-5ers after all your efforts, and better off for it! All this information seems to be coming just at the right time for me, and I'm so glad that there is such a welcoming and helpful community of creatives out there. Thanks!
This all sounds absolutely wonderful! I cannot express how much I am enjoying your blog.
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