I'm a massive fan of vintage accessories and homewares, if you haven't already guessed. It gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling to think about who once owned these glasses, and what was served in them? Pink lemonade? Iced tea? Tap water?

Or this scarf? Did she wear this around her neck to the theatre, or perhaps she used it as a headwrap for a long drive down Highway 1?

And just who posed for the person behind the lens of this camera? I love it, I love it, I love it! And I looooove JuJuToo's modest selection of antiques--- only the best of the best here! Now off to fantasize about the yummy dinner these salt and pepper shakers were used for...
in the glasses...
vodka & hawiian punch.
on ice.
Ha... oh, I love you, dear Heidi. :)
those glasses are amazing.
my choice? extra large SHOTS!
Erin dearest, i love u too. Now stop blogging for an hour so i can get some work done, OK!? ;-)
i love vintage, too. there's a kind of legacy when you buy something that was once "loved" by someone else.
i covet that camera - so rear window!
I have that exact camera!
Oh Kim. As if I need yet ANOTHER reason to stalk you like mad... :)
LOL - I have about 8 vintage cameras. I have no clue what to do with them. Your panties in a knot now? ;)
AHHHHH, Kim. You're killing me here! :)
i have one too! Good idea for my next post....
DANGIT-- I am ALWAYS the last one to the party!!!
I have that camera! Oh god I LOVE vintage cameras. There's something so charming about them. Also I fantasize about buying specialty film and getting them to work again.
Me TOO, Kara!!! :)
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