Good morning, Design for Mankind--- it's daily time again! Today we've got Ms. Laure Joliet, one of the famed editors for Apartment Therapy LA and writer of At Home, At Home. I'm just so excited to share with you a truly inspirational gal, and her TRULY inspirational schedule! Thanks, dear Laure!

9:30 Wake up. Since I quit my 9-5, my schedule can change pretty radically from day to day. Today I got to sleep in. It feels wonderful. And since I moved just 2 weeks ago, my 'nightstand' still looks like this. A little helter skelter but things I love. (You must get that book, it makes me laugh outloud). I hang out in bed for a little bit waking up. This is probably my favorite indulgence. To not just have to hop out of bed and start the day..

10am I'm living in a guest house and I actually have a garden (yay). I'm still figuring out what exactly to do with it and how to lay it out. It gets beautiful light. And this morning I realize that it's really warm. It's such a nice day, in fact, that I decide that I must go for a walk down to the beach. What's the use of having a flexible schedule if I don't take advantage of it?
10:30 I love Venice.
10:35 A lot.
11:15 I get home and guess who wants some fresh tap water? I've trained her not to jump up on the kitchen counter, so she is allowed in the bathroom sink for a drink. Don't mind the mess in the background, I'll get to it soon.
2:00 I make it home and spread my samples out. I consider beginning to work when I decide it is dumb to not eat anything besides chocolate and that I must eat lunch now.
4pm I am at a creative impass and cannot figure out how to make this living room work. I decide to scrub the stove while boiling water. This does the trick and I suddenly have inspiration for a direction. I mock up the idea on the floor with my samples, a print out of the furniture and rugs I was thinking and document it to send over to the client. Phew. It had started to weigh on me. And now I feel good about it. Which means I move on to the next task:
5:30 I hop in the car because I need to head out to one of the Interior Design classes I'm taking at UCLA. It's a post-bac certificate program that I'm dipping my toe into to see if it's what I want to do. I had been working as a Visual Effects producer for the last 5 years sort of by accident, so last year's appendicitis made me stop and re-assess what the heck I was doing. I'm only 28, but then, in moments, I AM 28. I think you know what I mean.
9:47 PM I am returning from my class. We had a great speaker and reviewed some of the earliest interior designers. I am at once abuzz with inspiration and totally exhausted.
11:08 This is when I am grateful that I made the bed this morning. I climb upstairs (the bed is in a loft) and climb into bed. Both of my kitties follow me up. I read Amy Sedaris until I cannot keep my eyes open any longer.
What a lovely day!
Oh, AtHomeAtHome is one of my favorite blogs! Laure is so cool - and I love Venice too! That garden is beautiful - so jealous.
Venice is gorgeous! I covet that orange kitty...
I know... I'm totally jonesing for the day off now...
Gorgeous day! Is this the latest a "Daily" has woken up? :) I'm going to check out her blog now.
HA... I think so, Marilyn! :)
loved this! that garden shot made me wish wish wish for some sunshine today! i biked home through snow and sleet last night, so i might have to wish extra hard for a bit of spring! :)
there's so much to love about your site, but these have become my favorite. it's like a little treat insight into what all the cool kids are doing in their lives. thank you!
Ahhh, you're so sweet, Leslie! And Kelly--- I TOTALLY feel for you, dear. Keep bundling up... spring is right around the corner! :)
I'm intrigued by the figure leaning against the white chair in the garden. I want one!! 'Since I quit my 9 to 5 . . .' I so badly want to be able to say that one of these days!
i absolutely love this series! thanks so much erin!
Love that kitty! He's beautiful! Lana
I am in LOVE with her day, the guest house is sunny and bright, Venice rocks, she's taking classes...I'm feeling some serious envy. Loved this post,a
Wow...this one is my absolute favorite (and can I just say I'm sooo jealous-Venice Beach is beautiful!)...Love what you've done with your little patio and the pallete you pulled together for your client is great! You should definitely pursue being an interior designer, you've got a great eye!
this is such a FABO idea doing these little photo journals with artista's! they're so fun to read and see how different (and similar) these artist's everyday lives are and the manner in which they present them. keep 'em comin'!
Thanks Ladies!
I've been away on a trip and it's so nice to come back and read all these sweets comments. Thanks Erin for asking me to participate!
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