
mina perhonen.

Mina Perhonen is a Finnish fashion brand booming up all over the sustainable market. With a goal of creating clothing that doesn't lose its allure over a lapse of time, Mina Perhonen's designs are both inviting and simple, but with a touch of graphic fun!

Click here to purchase Mina fashion, and be sure to view their amazing furniture/textile lines as well!


laissezfaire said...


nikole said...

love the first skirt in the latest collection! so cute.


because beauty lies in the details of design. in the pencil shavings, in the blueberry waffles. the vintage dress, framed portrait, old postcard.

design is inevitable. celebrated. design for mankind.


mina perhonen.

Mina Perhonen is a Finnish fashion brand booming up all over the sustainable market. With a goal of creating clothing that doesn't lose its allure over a lapse of time, Mina Perhonen's designs are both inviting and simple, but with a touch of graphic fun!

Click here to purchase Mina fashion, and be sure to view their amazing furniture/textile lines as well!


laissezfaire said...


nikole said...

love the first skirt in the latest collection! so cute.