Every now and then you meet an artist that sort of takes your breath away. Their work is just so delicate, intricate and detailed that you must know everything about them, in that instant. How were they inspired, how did they do it, and JUST HOW LONG did it take???
Cathy Kasdan is that artist for me. A full-time art teacher and master's student in textiles at Kent State University, Cathy chose to explore the theme of consumer culture for her final thesis by using plastic grocery bags as her medium for knitting.

"The 1950's homemaker outfit and blue Haute Culture dress hearken back to a society that embraced the Plastic Age without reservation for the possible ramifications of consumerism." Kasdan explains.
See? She's SMART, too!

Kasdan spent five months working on the 1950's outfit, using almost 400 bags. The blue haute culture dress took two months and 200 bags. She knitted not only the dresses, but the accessories for each mannequin.
Amazed? Find out more about Cathy and her work here.
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