
on sale now: nambe.

My Favorite Serving Platter Ever [and yes, this deserves capitalization, b/c yes, this is a TITLE] is on sale. I'm peeing my pants with excitement.

The Karim Rashid Drift. On sale. Now.

Woo. Tingley all over.

Click here to purchase this beauty. For me, that is.


Style Saves the World said...

So pretty! Like an egg shell!

/// said...

You're SOOO right!

Peggy said...

I think you may be correct, that is stunning and difficult to look at without peeing. What a great sale. Too steep for me still. But wow.

I love Karim.


because beauty lies in the details of design. in the pencil shavings, in the blueberry waffles. the vintage dress, framed portrait, old postcard.

design is inevitable. celebrated. design for mankind.


on sale now: nambe.

My Favorite Serving Platter Ever [and yes, this deserves capitalization, b/c yes, this is a TITLE] is on sale. I'm peeing my pants with excitement.

The Karim Rashid Drift. On sale. Now.

Woo. Tingley all over.

Click here to purchase this beauty. For me, that is.


Style Saves the World said...

So pretty! Like an egg shell!

/// said...

You're SOOO right!

Peggy said...

I think you may be correct, that is stunning and difficult to look at without peeing. What a great sale. Too steep for me still. But wow.

I love Karim.